Image Representing A man gains notoriety for using a "water fast" to lose 13 kg in 21 day

A man gains notoriety for using a "water fast" to lose 13 kg in 21 day

Better digestion, increased mental clarity, and greater detoxification are all advantages of water fasting for the body.

by Nagpur Trends Team | Published on 2024-07-02 05:02:47

Addis Miller, a Costa Rican, gained notoriety recently for trying water fasting as an unconventional weight-loss strategy and seeing results in 21 days. I went on a 21-day water fast in Costa Rica earlier this year.

I am thrilled to share some of the priceless moments from my journey because this event really changed my life," Addis stated in his YouTube video. Addis gave detailed information about his three-week fasting regimen.

"Water fast for 21 days without food or salt." I shed 13.1 kg (28 pounds). reduced body fat by 6%. I wanted to show you what a 21-day water fast on a person who is already extremely thin looks like. Although my body fat and weight loss are the only things displayed in this video, the fast was much more than that.

Water fasting is riskier than intermittent fasting or medically supervised fasting programs. They can nevertheless have a positive impact on the body without going to the extreme of premature weight loss.