Emperor Ashoka Statue Set for Grand Inauguration with 25,000 Karnataka Followers in Attendance
Emperor Ashoka Statue Set for Grand Inauguration with 25,000 Karnataka Followers in Attendance
by Nagpur Trends Team | Published on 2023-10-17 15:11:07
The 67th Dhammachakra Pravartan Day, scheduled for October 24 at Dikshabhumi, is set to be a significant event. On this momentous occasion, the statue of Emperor Ashoka will be ceremoniously transported to Diksha Bhoomi. A gathering of around 25,000 devotees from Karnataka is expected to converge at this venue for initiation, with thousands more individuals partaking in the Dhamma initiation. The splendid statue was crafted by the Buddhist Fatherhood Movement in Tamil Nadu and will be prominently displayed at Dikshabhumi.
A Dhamma Yatra commenced its journey from Mundakayam in Kerala, and it will traverse through Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana before reaching Diksha Bhoomi. The Buddhist Fatherhood Movement of Tamil Nadu has actively participated in this pilgrimage, accompanied by the revered statue of Emperor Ashoka.
Throughout the pilgrimage, symbolic statues of the Constitution, Buddha, His Dhamma, and Emperor Ashoka are being respectfully presented at various locations. The culmination of this journey is anticipated on October 21 in Nagpur. Upon its arrival at Deekshabhoomi, the statue of Emperor Ashoka will be venerated by the Deekshabhoomi Smarak Samiti.
It is reported that a substantial contingent of 25,000 followers from Karnataka will partake in the Dhammadiksha Day ceremony, where they will receive Dhamma initiation under the guidance of Buddha.