Why health issues are so common among tech workers?
According to medical professionals, burnout affects workers' physical and emotional well-being as well as their productivity.
by Nagpur Trends Team | Published on 2024-05-25 19:21:27
The true state of affairs is brought to light by a recent study titled "Burying the Burnout: Decoding the Health Challenges of India's Tech Geeks." Out of the 300 tech professionals surveyed, 55% said that working late hours negatively affects their health, resulting in difficulties including stomach issues, back and neck pain, irregular sleep patterns, stiffness in the muscles, vision problems, weight gain, and excruciating migraines.
Long work hours, according to medical professionals, not only harm employees' physical and emotional well-being but also reduce productivity. "The brain's capacity is finite. It will burn out if you stress it out without taking any breaks. Food, exercise, and optimism are also essential for maintaining the health of the brain.
According to Mumbai-based psychologist Dr. Beena Chakraborty, "if your job leaves you with no time for this, then it is actually reducing the quality of your output." Many of her clients, she claims, are from the computer industry and are in need of support and assistance because of high levels of pressure from superiors and stress at work.
Ignoring your health and way of life over time might lead to problems that are worse than lifestyle diseases. It is concerning how many young people are having strokes as a result of leading unhealthy lives. Many of them prefer to unwind by smoking or drinking, which are both strongly associated with an increased risk of strokes and a number of other health issues.