Delayed Monsoon: Central and East Vidarbha to Wait 3-4 More Days

By Nagpur Trends Team Published on 2024-06-20 13:28:05.
Delayed Monsoon: Central and East Vidarbha to Wait 3-4 More Days

Vidarbha, India- The southwest monsoon has not entered Central and East Vidarbha, because the Bay of Bengal isn't creating adequate weather conditions, the monsoon will take 3-4 more days to reach the rest of Vidarbha. Normally, the monsoon arrives in Vidarbha by June 15. This year, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) said the monsoon started early on June 11 in South and West Vidarbha, including places like Chandrapur, Buldhana, Brahmapuri, Akola, and Amravati. However, the weather system from the Arabian Sea has weakened, and since June 14, the monsoon hasn't moved past Amravati and Chandrapur.

Due to the Bay of Bengal's improper weather conditions, the monsoon will likely reach Nagpur city around June 23 or 24. A weather expert said there are specific signs they look for before declaring the monsoon has arrived. These signs aren't present yet in Nagpur. However, the Bay of Bengal weather system is getting stronger, so Nagpur should see its first monsoon rains by June 23 or 24.

Right now, only a few parts of Vidarbha are getting rain. Over the past few days, Nagpur has had some rain and thunderstorms due to moisture in the air. In the last 24 hours, Gadchiroli had the most rain with 46 mm, followed by Brahmapuri (25 mm), Chandrapur (28 mm), Bhandara (3 mm), Nagpur (1 mm), Gondia (1.6 mm), and Wardha (3.2 mm). Because of the rain and clouds, the highest temperatures in Vidarbha were below 38°C on Wednesday. Chandrapur was the hottest at 38.8°C, Akola was 38°C, Gadchiroli was the coolest at 33°C due to heavy rain, and Nagpur was 36.4°C.

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