Dr. Sriram Nene lists things to avoid as breakfasts

By Nagpur Trends Team Published on 2024-07-30 12:44:13.
Dr. Sriram Nene lists things to avoid as breakfasts

Dr. Shriram Nene is well-known for regularly posting health-related thoughts on his Instagram profile. Dr. Nene's Instagram profile is full of informative postings on health, such glimpses into his back workout routine or explaining why the chance of having a heart attack is higher on Monday mornings.

Dr. Nene practices medicine as a cardiothoracic surgeon, which means that she operates on the heart, lungs, oesophagus, and other areas of the chest. 

With a video of himself, Dr. Nene has now offered nutrition advice on his Instagram site. In order to live a better life, we must avoid the breakfast foods seen in the video. Dr. Nene advised against eating processed meat, sugary cereals, fruit juice, white bread, and sweetened yoghurt for breakfast.

The detrimental effects of the breakfast selections that Dr. Nene recommended avoiding are listed below-

White bread: Low-quality processed carbohydrates found in white bread can cause significant blood sugar increases. 

Sweet cereals: Simple carbohydrates like sugary cereals have the potential to raise blood lipid levels and increase hunger.

Fruit juice: Fruits that are juiced often lose some of their vital elements. Additionally, juicing releases free sugars, which should be avoided.

Processed meat: The risk of colorectal and stomach cancers can rise if processed meat is consumed at breakfast.

Sweet Yogurt: Yogurt's natural sugar is beneficial, but flavor-infused yoghurts have extra sugar, which can lead to weight gain, the onset of type 2 diabetes, and several cancers.


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