Everything about "revenge bedtime procrastination" and solutions

By Nagpur Trends Team Published on 2024-08-21 05:31:56.
Everything about

Our hectic schedules offer little opportunity for personal "me" time, which causes one to feel that their autonomy and self-control are eroding. You try to prolong it in an act of defiance and "revenge" against the unrelenting speed of the day. You put off going to bed in order to enjoy your free time, which includes binge-watching a movie, reading a book, and browsing social media.

You try to recover some additional time for yourself from the already-gone day by refusing to go to bed on time in an attempt to maintain some semblance of independence and freedom.

Deliberately delaying going to bed turns into a vindictive strategy to combat the helplessness experienced during the busy day and to make the most of the remaining time. "Revenge bedtime procrastination" is the term for this, and it happens more often than you might imagine. Before the next day starts and rushes away in the same direction, it serves as a haven.

Ways to cope up-

1. Make your days more alive- Give up on the idea that the day is just a boring, linear development by stepping back and stopping to work on the clock. Make sure to prioritize effective time management by creating thorough schedules. Instead of working nonstop, take short breaks to sketch in your notebook or watch a fast episode of your favorite show.

2. Enjoy your night routines- Establish evening habits and follow them through without fail. There isn't room for anything additional on the nights when routines are followed consistently. If you're passionate about skincare, devote yourself to your gentle skincare routine. Another great creative activity to unwind after a long day is journaling. 

3. Include physical activity daily- Exercise has a strong sedative effect. Get your body so tired from exercise that you want to get into bed and sleep like a baby. To burn it off, go jogging, walking quickly, or working out at the gym. 

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