Flag-bearer of Italy Tamberi loses his wedding band during Olympics

By Nagpur Trends Team Published on 2024-07-28 10:30:50.
Flag-bearer of Italy Tamberi loses his wedding band during Olympics

During the rainy Paris Olympics opening ceremony, the Italian lost his wedding band in the Seine River. "I'm sorry, my love, I'm really, really sorry," Tamberi wrote to his two-year wife, Chiara Bontempi, in an open letter he shared on Instagram on Saturday.

"Too much water, too many kilograms lost in the previous few months, and perhaps our unbridled enthusiasm for the work we were performing." "Probably all three things," Tamberi continued.

Tamberi and fencer Arianna Errigo shared flag-bearing responsibilities for Italy at the ceremony on Friday, which took place outside of a stadium and featured boats parading participants.

Tamberi, Errigo, and Mattarella had the privilege of traveling to Paris on the presidential jet, which he referred to as "the most emotional flight of my life"—a play on words given his famous leaping "flights."

As Italy floated down the Seine on a boat alongside Israel and Jamaica, Tamberi claimed to have felt the ring slide off his finger and witnessed it dropping.

He remarked, "I followed it until I saw it bounce inside the boat." Unfortunately, though, the rebound ended up going in the wrong way. However, I can't think of a finer place to be if I had to lose my ring if it actually had to happen. It will always be there on the City of Love's riverbed.


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