Healthy routine that parents ought to instill in their children

By Nagpur Trends Team Published on 2024-10-08 15:33:14.
Healthy routine that parents ought to instill in their children

Parents should encourage their children to lead healthy lifestyles from an early age since these behaviors can have a long-term effect on maintaining heart health, controlling blood pressure, and lowering cholesterol. Children's heart health greatly benefits from physical activity, and they should play outside, walk, bike, and participate in sports daily.

The secrets to a healthy heart-

1. Since fruits and vegetables include a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that improve heart health, we should always urge children to eat more of them.

2. Steer clear of refined carbohydrates like refined wheat flour and instead choose for whole grains like oats, quinoa, bajra jowar, and barley.

3. We should reduce the amount of trans and saturated fat in their diet and increase the amount of good fat. 

4. Instead of adding too much table salt, canned food, food with preservatives, etc., the kids should eat low-sodium food and flavor it with herbs, spices, and salt-free seasoning blends. 

5. Drink plenty of wholesome fluids; this will ease the strain on the heart and improve the heart's ability to pump blood. 

6. As fatty fish, flax seed, chia seed, and walnuts are all excellent sources of Omega 3, include them in the children's diet.

7. Reducing added sugar helps manage diabetes and obesity, which in turn improves heart health.

8. Children should be given the appropriate portion sizes because their dietary demands fluctuate depending on their age, activity level, and development spurt.

9. Your main cooking methods should be baking, grilling, or boiling rather than frying.

10. Always keep wholesome snacks on hand in your house. Having a range of delectable options available will lessen the likelihood that children may choose less healthful selections.


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