NMC's Efforts to Restrain POP Idol Sales Prove Ineffective

Every year, during festivals, the issue of Nylon Manja and POP idols resurfaces in the city. Despite Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) taking action to enforce the court's ban on their sale, these items continue to be sold in the market. Recently, the administration prohibited the purchase, sale, and storage of Plaster of Paris (POP) idols citywide, threatening criminal prosecution. However, these idols are still available for purchase in the market.
During a visit to the Chitar Oli complex, sellers openly confirmed that they were selling POP idols. They stated there was no prohibition on such sales this year, and the demand for POP idols remains high. The NMC commissioner issued guidelines for an environmentally friendly Ganpati festival, which included the ban on POP idols. Businesses caught illegally dealing with POP idols will face idol confiscation and a minimum fine of ₹10,000.
Currently, POP idols are being sold in 8-10 shops within the Chitaroli complex, with a total supply estimated to be worth 2 to 2.5 crores. The appeal of the visually striking and affordable POP idols has also encouraged traditional sculptors to promote them. While the NMC's Nuisance Detection Squad (NDS) raised awareness about POP idol sales, they did not take immediate action, as reported by some traditional sculptors and complex merchants.
Dr. Gajendra Mahalle explained that violations or illegal production, possession, use, or sale of idols would result in a ₹10,000 fine. However, traditional sculptors argue that this fine effectively grants vendors permission to sell legally after paying it. To address this, the Traditional Sculptors and Handicraft Artisans Association has provided QR code panels to registered clay idol vendors. Only vendors with this sign will be authorized to sell clay idols. If someone is caught using the QR code to sell POP idols, legal action will be taken against them, stated Suresh Pathak, president of the Traditional Sculptors and Handicraft Artisans Association.