Salt linked to stomach cancer

Salt is an essential component of all foods. Less of it can remove the essence of a meal, while more of it can spoil its flavor. A dinner can be ruined by too much salt, but that's not all.
It can also have detrimental effects on our health, with serious repercussions. Dr. Ninad Katdare, consultant in abdominopelvic surgical oncology at HCG Cancer Centre, Colaba, described the connection between salt and stomach cancer in an interview.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends consuming fewer than 5 grams of salt each day. The risk of stomach cancer rises with moderate salt intake. "Those who have a family history of stomach cancer or who have an H. pylori infection are at a higher risk," Dr. Ninad Katdare noted.
1. Examine food labels: A lot of packaged items, such as canned products, processed meats, and snacks, contain a lot of salt.
2. Cook at home: Cooking at home allows you to control the amount of salt you use in your food. This may aid in limiting excessive salt intake.
3. Use herbs and spices: Use natural herbs and spices to enrich your cuisine rather than salt. Additionally, this will guarantee that you get the benefits of the herbs rather than just a typical diet.
4. Limit processed foods: Avoid eating them often because they are typically rich in salt.