Telangana Chief Minister Chandrashekhar Rao to Inaugurate Bharat Rashtra Samiti's Vidarbha Party Office in Nagpur

By Nagpur Trends Team Published on 2023-06-15 15:23:26.
Telangana Chief Minister Chandrashekhar Rao to Inaugurate Bharat Rashtra Samiti's Vidarbha Party Office in Nagpur

On June 15, Bharat Rashtra Samiti's first party office in Vidarbha, Maharashtra, will be inaugurated in Nagpur. The inauguration will be carried out by the party's National president and Telangana Chief Minister, Chandrashekhar Rao. The party office, located at Ramakrishna Nagar near Sai Mandir on Wardha Road, has a separate block that has been rented for this purpose.

The office will serve as the central hub for the party's operations in Vidarbha. KCR will formally inaugurate the office by performing religious rituals. Following the inauguration, KCR will address a worker rally at Suresh Bhat auditorium, where numerous party workers will be in attendance.

After the rally, BRS aims to concentrate its efforts on the entire Nagpur city. The party will establish a committee for the Municipal Corporation election, responsible for selecting competent candidates for each ward. The announcement of the party's Nagpur city and district executive is also expected to be made soon.

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