WCL arranges a Workshop

Practising alertness while working in an office can reduce mistakes and increase productivity. On May 17, 2023, the Human Resource Development Department of WCL Headquarters hosted a session on "Preventive Vigilance" for the company's employees in accordance with this principle. Chief Vigilance Officer Shri Ajay Madhukar Mhetre attended the opening session as the guest of honour, while Director Technical (Projects & Planning) Shri A.K. Singh served as the chief guest. Coal India Limited's Shri Madhusudan Rao, General Manager (Vigilance), was also extensively featured at the event.
The Director of Technical (Projects & Planning), Shri A.K. Singh, stressed during his speech at the opening session that the majority of job errors are caused by a lack of relevant information. He recommended everyone to read and properly apply rule books, manuals, policies, circulars, etc. in order to prevent such situations.
Chief Vigilance Officer Shri Ajay Madhukar Mhetre emphasised the value of preventative vigilance principles and the need of abiding by set norms while at work during the same session. He emphasised that adhering to these guidelines boosts productivity and aids in averting potential complaints. He noted the WCL-implemented information technology systems such as the Integrated Command and Control Centre, GPS chips on coal-carrying trucks, boom barriers at entry and exit locations, and others, as well as promoting an error-free work through an organized eco-system.
The first training session was focused on preventive vigilance and was led by Shri Sanjay Kadambarum, Chief Manager (Personnel), and Shri Madhusudan Rao, GM (Vigilance), CIL. They defined the important rules and practises to be followed when working in an office through a range of case studies. Shri D. Kumar, the Chief Manager (Materials Management), provided information on the "Procurement Rules" during the second session. At the final session, Shri K.R.K. Reddy, Chief Manager (E&T), gave the trainees an overview of the Integrated Command and Control Centre and talked about its implications and SOPs.