Why the Supreme Court Should Take Suo Moto Cognizance in the Ritika Maloo Case

By Nagpur Trends Team Published on 2024-09-04 14:56:30.
Why the Supreme Court Should Take Suo Moto Cognizance in the Ritika Maloo Case

The tragic road accident on February 25, 2024, at Ram Jhula Bridge, which claimed the lives of two individuals, has sparked a wave of outrage and raised serious questions about the functioning of law enforcement and the judiciary. Ritika Maloo, the alleged perpetrator of this incident, has been at the centre of a controversy that has only deepened with each passing day. Here’s why the Supreme Court must intervene and take suo moto cognizance of this case:

1. Grave Allegations of Drunk Driving
The accident occurred on February 25, 2024, at Ram Jhula Bridge, where two lives were lost. It was later confirmed that Ritika Maloo was under the influence of alcohol during the incident. Drunk driving is a severe offence, and in this case, it resulted in the loss of innocent lives. The involvement of alcohol should have led to immediate and strict legal action. However, the subsequent handling of the case has been riddled with inconsistencies and favouritism, raising doubts about the integrity of the investigation.

2. Absconding from the Crime Scene
Shockingly, Ritika Maloo managed to flee the crime scene, allegedly in the presence of PSI Parshuram Bhawal, a police officer. Reports suggest that crucial evidence, such as beer cans, was removed from the scene, possibly with the knowledge or assistance of law enforcement. Such actions undermine the very foundation of justice and indicate a potential cover-up. The officer’s role in this incident, if true, not only points to gross negligence but also to an alarming level of corruption within the police force.

3. False Allegations and Initial Bail
Initially, Ritika Maloo attempted to shift the blame by claiming that another individual, Madhuri Sarda, was driving the vehicle at the time of the accident. This false claim was part of an attempt to evade responsibility. Despite the seriousness of the charges, Ritika Maloo was granted bail within 24 hours of surrendering at the police station. This swift grant of bail raises concerns about the influence her affluent background may have exerted on the judicial process.

4. Tampering with Evidence
In a move that further taints the investigation, the police handed over the vehicle involved in the accident to its owner while the case was still under investigation. Following a public uproar from the victims’ families, the vehicle was later retrieved. However, this action could have potentially compromised crucial evidence, further complicating the investigation. The lack of accountability for such blatant procedural lapses is deeply concerning.

5. Absconding After Bail Revocation
After the forensic lab confirmed the presence of alcohol in Ritika Maloo’s system, her bail was revoked. However, she reportedly absconded for over a week before finally appearing in court. The repeated failures to arrest her, even after clear evidence of wrongdoing, highlight the need for judicial intervention at the highest level.

6. Allegations of Police Bias and Judicial Lapses
The police's apparent favouritism toward Ritika Maloo due to her influential background is a serious allegation that warrants immediate attention. Despite clear lapses in the investigation, no action has been taken against the investigating officer. The fact that the case had to be transferred to the CID after requests from the victims' families only underscores the lack of trust in the local police. However, even with the case in CID’s hands, the influence of the Maloo family continues to loom large, raising doubts about the possibility of a fair and unbiased investigation.

7. The Urgent Need for Supreme Court Intervention
It has been over six months since the accident, yet Ritika Maloo remains largely unaccountable for her actions. The case has garnered significant attention, including mentions in the Vidhan Sabha and statements from prominent figures like RSS Chief Dr. Mohan Bhagwat. Despite widespread media coverage, the inaction by both Nagpur Police and the judiciary in effectively handling the case highlights systemic failures. 

Given the serious allegations, the apparent miscarriage of justice, and the influence exerted by powerful individuals, it is imperative that the Supreme Court takes suo moto cognizance of this case. The court's intervention is necessary not only to ensure justice for the victims but also to restore public faith in the legal system. Only through the highest judicial oversight can the truth be uncovered, and accountability ensured in the Ritika Maloo case.

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